
Friday, July 23, 2010

Proudly really I am!

Big Brother will change my life I swear. Yesterday the housemates had to give a 2 minute speech about their country and promote it to Africa. So many of them went on and on about minerals and independence and all sorts of other things that won't determine whether I visit or not. Then Lerato went up in her Sotho gear, make-up and hair done so beautifully, then she spoke. She spoke about a relatable South Africa, a country I lived in for 3 years and she made me want to run back.

Then I started to think what I'd say about Swaziland on an African stage. Anyone who knows me well knows that "patriotic" is too strong a word to describe me. I go where the wind blows. Open to all, loyal to none. But I am Swazi and I'm proud of that. However there are too many things wrong with the country; I couldn't stand up there and boast about development when I see none. I couldn't speak of a high literacy rate when I know too many people not awarded the opportunity of formal education. I couldn't speak of the country rallying behind a sports team that makes us proud because well...we don't. I couldn't speak of a well run government...errrr no one can.

The things I love about being Swazi are things that can be found anywhere but are dominant here. There is absolutely no rush in Swaziland, though this can get frustrating at times (read Home affairs) it makes for a very unflustered nation. Swazi's are quick to smile and slow to judge. They take pride in their culture, at this point I would then be forced to speak of the reed dance which I've attended once. And no, not all Swazi girls are virgins! Some days I'm grateful for the greenery and having to slow your car down for cattle crossing the road, but on other days I crave a concrete jungle where my dreams can be made from. I love this country because it raised me, its people taught me and its grass cushioned my falls. I hate this country because it raised me, its people taught me and its grass cushioned my falls (this makes sense, don't think too hard).

I probably wouldn't be the best person to perform this task, but for an honest, painful sometimes heartwarming look at the country I'm your go-to girl.

Swazi flag
Why to visit:

We smile a lot.
We are hospitable.
We believe that "tandla tiyagezana" meaning "No man is an island, to prosper we need each other" This is obviously not the literal meaning. Literally it means something totally out of left-field.
We have a king.
All our restaurant meals are subsidised by our "amazing" government.
We have a great culture which we love to teach to visitors.
We have the reed dance.
Father Christmas lives here, the North pole was a rumour that got out of control.
Swazi girls really are the hottest.
We have a breath-takingly beautiful country.
Our national anthem is the boss!
We are an awesome people who firmly believe that our awesomeness should be experienced.

Some of these are brave fallacies, you won't know which until you come for yourself.

Come on Africa tell me how you're doing. Nine bengwazi

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