
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wait till i get my money right...

It's been a while since I blogged. I've been busy dealing with incompetence, sulky old people and other such inconveniences.

The financial department at work overtaxed me this month. Bad move. My dad is the System and payroll manager for Illovo so when I queried this with him he whipped out laws and tables and calculations which my mind immediately interpreted as gibberish that should under no circumstances be deciphered. But this was my money!!! So I forged on forcing myself to understand what the calculations mean so I could go to them armed with indisputable knowledge.

I email them highlighting the "oversight" regarding taxes and they reply 2 days later...I'm still shaking my head when I think about how lackadaisal they were about the whole issue.

To cut a long story short, I got my money about a week later. *dusts shoulder*

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