
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

From behind the desk

It's been a while before my last post. Life gets in the way of my relationship with my digital counterparts, but fear not I am least for now.

So I'm still a secretary, still fighting for my pay cheque, still wearing horrific shoes with cute outfits, still wake up late on work's basically good times all round! I'm actually coping with the secretarial gig alot better now, I have tolerable/tolerant bosses who don't treat me like how I've seen people treat secretaries, Of course there are the bad apples without whom my story would be incomplete. I thank them.

Seriously though, stumbling into this career has shifted my perspective concerning the eternal right-hand ladies (read: secretary), I always thought this job was...well boring and unecessary. I was half right. I have since discovered that it is very necessary, how dare you assume that the boss will file these documents himself! You should be shot for thinking I can make my own copies! You see...very necessary.

Having said that it does very little to challenge my mind and my capabilities. I need to go home and do complex math equations just to keep sane. I'm a writer, I live and view my life in captions, I'm a tortured soul because nothing happens without me systematically dissecting it in my mind. I read too many books, I watch too many movies and the good Lord blessed me with a barely there sense of humour, that alone is probably how I manage to make copies and staple and file without losing my mind. That and this blog, my digital sanctuary.

Okay this post is all over the place, and filing beckons.

Yours digitally,

1 comment:

  1. you need to staple those papers before u reach a point where you will be signing them. when u there u will challenge your secretary mine coz u know how it feels like to be in their position...#watchGodmasterhisplan#


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