
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fancy yourself a poet?

Below is a collection of poems I wrote in different periods of my life, inspired by a range of things. Some of them are atrocious others are nearly atrocious.

Prince Charming
With lights turned low I hear his voice,
deep and soothing rocking me to the core.
I can't make out his words but they're singing to my soul.
In a crowded room I hear his laughter loud and unguarded.
I can't make out the joke but from the purity of the sound my ears feel rewarded.

His very presence permeates my soul,
his smile is the thing perfect days are made of,
his appearance though deemed unconventional by society makes me beam, convention is for fools.
John Legend croons, "baby we're so high walking on cloud 9",
everyday with him turns the pavement into clouds,
the streetlights into beacons of hope
and the cracks in the ground into promises of an auspicious future.

My prince...does he exist?
Beautiful Black Girl
Your big nose removes you from 'normality',

your thick lips utter words that can wound the heart but restore the soul.
The rise of your breasts, the tautness of your belly, the swell of your hips, that ass that only dark chocolate can have...
these are just some of the things that make men pursue you endlessly
and women scoff at you relentlessly.
The tips of your fingers ignite passion wherever they touch,
you enter a room and make hearts skip beats as they scramble towards you in a heartbeat.

Whoever said black isn't beautiful knows nothing of your beauty,
the kind that silences storms,
connects heaven and hell
the kind that makes people look twice,
listen again and touch you once more.

You live in the dreams of men, young and old.
They imagine being in your captivating presence,
they worship at your feet captured by your spirit...slavery's never been so sweet.

You're dark and you're lovely,
strong and amazing, the softness of your bosom has cured many a cold.
Those that underestimate your worth have no idea of the path you're destined to travel,
the obstacles you have to overcome,
the shadows you need to illuminate with your brightness.

They guess nothing...they know nothing oh beautiful black girl!
Letting Go
The saddest thing is loving someone who used to love you

holding onto illusions that can never manifest
floating on a rapidly disippating cloud 9
holding on when you should be letting go.

When you start loving for 2
and become content with part time affection
you begin cherishing crumbs but you never eat the loaf
that's when you hold on when you should be letting go.

They sing about it, I write about it, but you're living it
a love lost, a lost love, seeking but never finding
loving like you do makes you strong, courageous, beautiful, sexy, loving like you do makes you weak, vulnerable, ugly, unappealing.

find someone who will love your nurturing, appreciate your spirit and above all tell you so
if you keep living as you're living it's unlikely you'll ever know
that you're remaining an option when you could be a priority by holding on when you should be letting go.
Mad Black Woman!
I felt myself fall and you cushioned my fall

I didn't give you a second thought I moved on
Everytime I saw you for some pathetic reason you robbed me of my natural wit and charm
who do you think you are to take my breath away?

Reluctantly I allowed myself to be engaged by you
Grudgingly I grew to respect you
You're nothing spectacular, a kitten in a room full of tigers
So answer me this, who do you think you are to take my breath away?

You're David and I'm Goliath, way out of your league, but that story doesn't end well for me
Like that tricky Trojan horse you conquered my heart
You can't do that, give it back!
Who do you think you are to take my breath away?

I hate loving you it makes me MAD
I love loving you, I can think in other colours now besides BLACK
you ignored my resistance and made me feel like a WOMAN

I'm helpless against this but I won't stop asking
Who the hell do you think you are to take my breath away!

Drops mic and moonwalks off stage.

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