
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Roadtrip Part 2

Saturday morning I woke up in stages, woken by different things, the incessant ringing of my phone, the comforting sound of Sdu walking up and down the passage and Sizo and PK noisily climbing into bed with me and Coco. Sizo’s older brother, Khayo walked into the bedroom after we were finally awake to make fun of our sexy morning faces and to dub me “tollgate” because of how horribly lost we got the previous night. He really should take his act on the road, he’s a riot.

My awesomeness was too much for PK and Coco's still trying to extract some!

The terror that broke Coco and I's peaceful slumber

Sdu’s neighbor was getting married Saturday so we had to be out of the house to attend the ceremony by 10:00, which was very optimistic considering we slept at 04:00. First things first, we needed to eat so we strolled to one of the many stalls that litter the streets of Soweto to buy tomatoes and bread. Let me digress for a while, I love Soweto, the vibe in that township is almost tangible, you can almost see the scars it has to live with after the Apartheid era, almost taste the blood on the streets, almost hear the music you know once permeated the atmosphere. It’s a strange feeling. Anyway when we got back to the house Sizo, our resident chef began whipping up a cordon bleu-esque breakfast.

She cleans up well
We were finally ready to go and be pretty at the wedding after hours of brushing hair, applying mascara and fighting for lip gloss. When we got there it was festive and the singing could be heard from around the corner, smiles all round. Pictures were taken at Thokoza Park, the bride looked stunning, the groom looked like the cat that got the cream; it was amazing.

Fast forward to the slumber party: Phindi fetches us from Southgate Mall in her Fiat Palio, all 6 of us! But before we “pushed” the car to Ormonde we had to buy drinks for the party later that evening, which was an experience on its own. Somewhere in the booze-filled aisles Sdu picks up a tour guide, and PK buys random alcohol, Sizo walked out with 24 Savannas: these are my friends. I bought a bottle of wine, which is probably still rolling around in Phindi’s fridge.

The drive to the house was filled with hooting and shouting, and hanging out of windows (that wasn’t so much celebratory in as much as it was necessary to keep from cramping) that same day was the Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates game, I don’t know much about soccer except for the fact that a yellow and black combo looks nicer to me than a black and white combo so I was the enemy in the car that day. We finally spilled out of Phindi’s car 10 minutes later and in no time the music was going the drinks were flowing and the good times were nigh.

The highlight of my night was the President coming over. This man. He came with one of his best friends and I’m always so nervous in situations like that, I just think what if they don’t get along with my friends (unlikely though because my friends are awesome). PK walks into the kitchen and says “oh my word guys sewufikile usbali wethu be cool”. When I went to the car I saw the President and Matt come out and Sizo standing near the Pres looking all shy (such an actress!) Hugs and introductions all round, then the dancing started, Matt, Sizo and PK got down Coco didn’t make it all the way “down” she was just hovering somewhere , Buhle was the designated photographer, I vaguely remember Bahle dancing, I should have focused more because that’s a rarity, but I was too busy being awesome with the President.

I’m tired of blogging, part 3 might go up tomorrow, I never could summarise.

Stay beautiful.

It's not as easy as we make it look.

1 comment:

  1. Omg Nono this is such a scream! Lol.
    PLEASE put up Part 3 tomorrow???


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