
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Love takes 2

Yesterday I received an education regarding the intricacies of the male mind. So many women go through life believing that they can fix anything. The Superwoman syndrome is how we’ve been engineered to approach all matters of the heart; if we love him enough he’ll change. If we love him through his flaws eventually he’ll have none. I blame Hans Christian Anderson, lying to my impressionable mind like that, because of him I wanted to be a mermaid once upon a time. Anyway enough about my fetishes…

My source says a guy knows how he feels about you within the first few weeks of him meeting you. If he didn’t see you as someone worth investing in then it won’t change just because you’ve been with him 10 years. This broke my heart because so many woman walk around believing they can change the men they meet, not even change per sae in as much as they believe they can make him love her right. Referencing my own life and my own experiences, I know that a guy who loves you will show you, there’ll be no guessing, no wondering if he loves you you’ll know. If you don’t know then he probably doesn’t.

Women can’t deal with life being this black and white, we need the colours to highlight our passionate love affair and really all guys want is a sandwich, a bizarre beard and to watch Barcelona show off yet again err maybe that’s just the President.

I know a woman who follows her boyfriend wherever his job takes him, last year they were in Egypt, this year they’re in Swaziland only the Lord knows where they’ll end up next year! But she’s willing to live in uncomfortable conditions, in countries she’d never even visit if she had the chance to vacate anywhere in the world with a man who made it clear in the beginning that he wasn’t interested in watching her walk coyly down the aisle. It makes me sad when she tells us over and over again that if he hasn’t proposed to her by the time she’s 35 she’s moving on. They’ve been dating for 2 years, 35 years old is 6 years away so she’ll give him 8 years to decide whether he wants to make an honest woman out of her! There is no way I’d live out of my suitcase like a gypsy for 8 years, cook, clean and perform other wifely duties for a man who needs that long to decide that he wants his kids to have my kind of awesome in their gene pool.

The point is ladies; if your mind’s made up about a guy and you’re still confused about what’s going on in his mind regarding you, if you cry and he turns the other way, if you’re constantly having to defend him and his questionable actions to the people who care about you, somewhere along this jagged line you need to ask yourself if you can handle a “forever” filled with tears, apologies and wondering. If you can indeed picture a forever like this then fear not there’s a special corner for you in heaven.

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