
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

She said, she said...

I woke up feeling uncharacteristically introspective today. Thinking of my life and how jaded I seem to have become. I wanted to write a letter to my 11 year old self but a wave of brilliance stopped me mid-thought and said "why doesn't she write to you, better yet why don't you correspond with her". Now this may seem a little strange, but my star sign is Gemini so I'm allowed to be a schizo with no judgement from's written in the stars.

So this exercise will hopefully make me better, it is supposed to help me keep my eyes firmly focused on making my dreams tangible. On your mark, get set blah blah blah...

I'll refer to her as Smokey (a very random nickname she picked up) and she'll call me Nono.

Dear Smokey

So I have a boyfriend :) remember when you obsessed about being a late bloomer and worrying about the fact that EVERYONE had a boyfriend but you...well high-five girl you get man, a good man too.

I'm working as a secretary at Bosch Projects, an engineering consulting company. I know I know don't judge me I am actually a graduated journalist, My plans were to be based in Joburg working at a magazine by this time but you'll soon learn that God's plans and your plans are very rarely the same.

Take care honey xoxo

PS. you become soooo much cooler :)

Dear Nono

I'm in Grade 7 this year and I wonder if the boyfriend you're with is this guy who's in my class. He's so cute, so funny and I get butterflies in my tummy when I see him...I think he's the one. I just wish I wasn't so shy then maybe he'd notice me :(

Anyway how did you end up being a journalist I want to be a lawyer! What happens to change my mind?? In a few months I'm starting high school and I'm so excited about it, I'm so over primary already.

The best part of your letter is the PS :)

Chat later.

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