
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No. 6

It took me a long time to say that “I deserve to be loved”

I had to go through a street lined with men who knew too much about carnal pleasure

And not enough about love

Men who thought having more than me on his arm was necessary, was a symbol of his manhood

I’ve had to go through men who collected hearts like stones on a pebbled beach

Men who didn’t know how to talk to me

Who thought I’d answer when they called me variations of “bitch”

Men who didn’t know how to hold me

Their hands chaffed me, lips bruised me, everytime they laid me down

It reminded me of Sithembile, a girl whose man only loved her when she was on her back

You could see the reflection of the stars forever imprinted on her eyes from counting them on dark nights while her man loved her from the inside before he moved to another.

Narcissist trumped naïve

Cold, calculated construction of the lowest self esteem

Convincing me that I was too ugly to have expectations

That the scar on my thigh is the reason men can’t look me in the eye

I’ve had to walk through this never-ending, nebulous haze of men

Too young to be called Sir

Too bearded to be set straight

Like calf on new legs

I was unsure of myself

Neophyte at beauty mistaken for brazen nymph

Like clothes that were too big – my confidence was ill-fitting

It had to be altered, I taught myself to keep looking down when a man shouted “slut”

To not flinch when a man raised his hand

To demand more than the missionary when I’m being loved

The men who cracked my heels, sipped my blood and encouraged my tears

Do not understand that being a man is more than just being male

When I get a son I will teach him how to hold a woman’s heart

And how to love her to confidence

Women, we need to love our sons with hands warm enough to keep them from looking for kinship from the guy on the street packing the most heat.

Hug, kiss and encourage freely

Anything to stop this generation of men who treat pregnancy like it’s an STD

Anything to make girls know they deserve to be loved

Not on their backs, or with the ball of a fist

But slowly and patiently till pain bursts into pleasure.

©Nontobeko Tshabalala 2011

Writing and pink hearts...

I am back froma  temporary and necessary hiatus. My life has been going on outside the blogosphere and it has been interesting. new developments that have me excited are happening, opportunistic old men who continue to hit on me are a constant, my family continues to warm my heart with the comedy shows they provide daily, I'm still in love with an amazing man who sees me.

I'm blessed to be here, to be in love with you, you with me and to have words to cement that love. Forgive me for being gone so long. I wrote poems which I would like to share... This one isn't really poem number 5 I just forget the numbering, but for the purpose of this post let's refer to is as that.

No. 5

It’s not that I hate men

It’s just that one of them took something that wasn’t his to take.

Nubile naivety

No guile but all grace

I was new to womanhood and fitting it on for size

When he helped himself to myself.

I’ll never be a blushing bride, or maybe I’ll blush because I left my hymen at the door.

He helped himself to myself and gripped my back as I gritted my teeth

I wouldn’t let him hear my tears. I swallowed them till the saltiness of the Nile ebbed and flowed deep in my belly

How do you raise a boy who takes the life of a girl and flips it over.

Enters without being let in

Drinks without being offered a glass

Turns over chairs and leaves the place in disarray.

And no, I didn’t lead him on

I wasn’t being coy I was being cautious

As he slammed the door and made himself home in myself

Groaning and stretching till he was comfortable

Packing pieces of my dignity in his pocket

I clenched my teeth and thought of my mother

Who never let a man see her tears because daddy didn’t hang around long enough to be introduced to me

She knew men

I was learning.

My heart is like a fist in my chest

And I can’t unclench my teeth long enough to ever let a man kiss me.

To ever make himself home in myself.

©Nontobeko Tshabalala 2011

Dear Gemini

May 21 – June 20

I’m not a big believer in horoscopes but everytime I read about my sign - Gemini, I can’t help but find undeniable spot-on descriptions. The most dominant characteristic of this air sign is versatility. Other character traits of this sign include;

• Good communicators

• Witty

• Intellectual

• Eloquent

I once had a friend call me 2-faced, okay no need for discretion, Pusetso Tlali it was you! I was offended because I loathe duplicitousness and I always try to stay true to who I am no matter what company I’m in. But I guess with age comes self-awareness because I realised that I am 2-faced, but not in the “gossip about everyone and their mamas to everyone who has ears” way, for me it comes in the form that I can blend in with whoever I’m around. My personality’s adjustable. I adopt accents, inside jokes, gestures – it’s a complete transformation, and it’s not a conscious thing on my part, it’s just my need to put people at ease and do the analysing, rather than be the one being analysed.

I wear a lot of different hats and they all fit me well, the only thing that travels with me as I flit from persona to persona is the incurable wit and the need to learn about things, about people.

When a Geminian falls in love they are drawn to a person’s mind, intelligence is attractive to us. This is the most apt way to describe any attraction I’ve ever felt for anyone. My mind craves to be challenged, I enjoy intellectual repartee – to get as good as I give is a quality I look for in everyone. This was honed considerably by being terrifyingly shy as a child – I had conversations with myself, laughed out loud even and as soon as I realised that this was socially frowned upon I began practicing my charm on people. I’ve never looked back.

My bedroom looks like a library, I collect anything that will increase my knowledge. Words, language, eloquence, intellect – that is the way to woo me.

Adversely people who fall under this sign are also;

• Nervous

• Tense

• Inconsistent

• Superficial

• Cunning

This is true because when things go even slightly off-course I obsess about the outcome until I feel I have a handle on the situation.

I am tense only when I’m waiting on something.

The inconsistency can be attributed to the fact that Geminians get bored easily. Restlessness is a part of our nature.

I plead the fifth on the superficiality I really have no time to be, articles need to be written, football coaches to be swooned over, Presidents to be loved.

Cunning – apparently we lie with ease and cover it with our charm. Maybe.

People born under this sign sound flighty and indecisive but that’s hardly the case. I know who I am and I stand firm in what I believe. The versatility in my nature does make me more open-minded to things, people, occurrences and the like.

To play around with common quote “Find my soul and you can have my body, seduce my mind and I’m yours forever”

Date of birth: 4 June 1988. Even at my worst I could never be dull
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