
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Write a letter to your best friend

I don’t have a best friend. I have a 2-woman army consisting of the sexiest, most intelligent, most loyal, most anointed women in my corner; every day of the week, every hour of the day. They love me when I don’t deserve it, forgive me while I struggle to forgive myself, they smile for me when I’m too busy crying and cry for me while I convince the world I’m okay through a blinding smile. This is my army, my girlfriends, my sisters.

Dear Sizo

You and I were unlikely friends. I remember I was feeling out of place in Durban. The city didn’t embrace me, didn’t evoke the “home away from home” feeling I so desperately craved. We lived on the same floor in our first year of varsity; I remember always walking past your cubic and mentally cringing at the sounds of loud conversation punctuated with raucous laughter. Always wondering about this girl who always had people around her, while I was busy wondering about this I walked past you and a friend of yours, I was trying too hard to act like I couldn’t see you that I kicked your glass containing your special beverage over. After you fainted in mock horror we became friends. You’ve been there for me so many times, more than I’ve even tried to be there for you. You’ve defended me when people tried to deny my awesomeness. 2 years younger than me but always protecting me like I’m the younger one (I may have acted it a few times as well). I love you hard, publicly, selfishly and completely.

Dear Coco

My sassy, streetwise, sharp-tongued friend, I fell in love with you the first day I saw you. You had a curly hairdo, wore a loose-fitting pink top and black cropped shorts. You seemed to know everyone, you breezed into the registration room like the hurricane of sunshine that you are, flashing smiles and flicking hellos with your hand. I couldn’t help but smile when I looked at you. You and I became firm friends as soon as you decided you wanted a Swazi friend in your life. I learnt from you, I still learn from you. There have been times when I’ve had problems only you can fix. I remember one time, I had the curtains to my room closed, door locked, Beyonce’s “Resentment” playing loudly and I was crying like a baby on your chest, you didn’t ask, you didn’t judge, your arms were amazing at making me feel like it would be okay, the tears that ran down your own cheeks promised me it would. My life wouldn’t be the same without you. When you’re around I laugh harder, I always feel protected and always feel appreciated.

My army!

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