
Friday, January 7, 2011

10 things I'll never share

I've got the luck of the Irish. No really my second name is MacKensie, mom's side. So anyway I have so many things that I'm grateful for, grateful and take for granted. I'm not big on resolutions but I made one this year, to be more grateful and less entitled. Love someone and tell them, have something and share it. Not in any particular order I want to list all the things I'm grateful for, all the things I want to continue being grateful for.

1. Inappropriate books: I love reading books that poke fun at stereotypes. I was reading an excerpt from "The racists guide to the people of South Africa" a brilliant tongue in cheek book which outlines why black women can't drive, why white men believe they are the most amazing gift to society and how the best way to identify Greek and Portuguese people is by their overzealous hair follicles.

2. My friends: I love them so much, I hardly ever tell them because I assume they understand that I tease them so much because I love them. Isn't that what Primary School was about? When I'm feeling less than my usually fabulous self they share their stories of drunk grandmothers, cheating toy-boys and so on. Total pick me up. Also they think and I'm awesome and I agree.

3. Stupid people: listen stupid people make my life so awesome on bad days. They don't know how to think logically and they assume that just because there's so many of them that I'm the crazy one. The voices and I find this amusing for hours on end. I'm not crazy you're just an idiot.

4. People who take themselves seriously: I'm so grateful for these people because without them I probably wouldn't be the proud owner of my sense of humour it might have gone to someone half as amazing. People who refuse to make fun of race relations because "it's a sensitive issue" make me laugh. It's sensitive because no one wants to rip the plaster off. If you call me black you won't offend me I’ll be happy for you because you're not blind.

5. My Parents: We don't see eye to eye, mainly because I'm taller than my dad and my mom's taller than both of us. I see my parents, see their faults, their shortcomings and because of how acutely I see this I struggled for the longest time to recognise their virtues. I do now; I understand them more, appreciate them more and really just want to give them gold stars for doing the best they can. I didn't turn out too bad did I? Save for that brief spell of juvenile delinquency I'm a child with a halo.

6. My sisters: These girls are the foundations that my whole life is built on. I blog about them constantly so I'll leave that there. They are amazing, amazing is them.

7. The President: Kindred spirits. When someone's been in the periphery of your life for as long as we've been in each others you don't expect for love to live there. I don't know enough words to explain how grateful I am for this blessing, just a bursting heart, a challenged mind and a fulfilled spirit.

8. Inappropriate humour: At our Christmas party last year my rainbow nation inspired colleagues and I were talking about black women submitting to their husbands and George says when he worked in some Middle Eastern country he realised that Indian women are also very submissive, then Candice says "See that just blows my mind. Waking up at 04:00 to make curry just so my husband can have a piping hot lunch! I'm sorry babes you're having a sandwich" I laughed till I cried thank goodness we weren't sitting with sensitive Indians, they proceeded to make derogatory white girl jokes. Joy.

9. Google: I want to find Larry Page and Sergey Brin and personally thank them for being undisputedly amazing.

10. Cook books: I'm a good cook when I'm not fighting off laziness. Cook books make me better and I love them for that.

I promise to love harder, smile more often, cry when it hurts, learn lessons and hug for longer. If I forget do it for me.

I love you. Stay beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. love what got here. You might just have inspired me to do something like this.xx


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