
Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A few weeks ago (or it may have been months ago) I blogged about being tired from wearing so many hats. That exhaustion has been catching up with me, slowly. So last week I took leave from work, not a lot just enough to recharge and muster up enough energy to get to the end of the year still awesome.

I had to go to Mbabane and get a passport on Thursday morning. Usually the whole process takes approximately 4 – 6 weeks. I was going to get it in 1 day because my dad knows a friend of a friend…who has a cousin! So anyway my Dad and I make our way to Home affairs very optimistic and when I woke up that morning I decided that I wouldn’t dress up because Home affairs is such a schlep! So I wear a t-shirt, jeans and pumps – this is my Superwoman, no-nonsense outfit so when I meet my Dad by the car and he’s looking all kinds of suave I had to stop and ask myself if he’d forgotten about our trip like why the hectic threads, and he says to me “Sisi it would have been an idea for you to wear a skirt” I side-eyed him and adjusted my jeans. I hate the way some Swazi’s think, but that’s a post for another day.

So we got to Mbabane and surprisingly it went well - surprising because I have the worst of luck when it comes to things that need stamps or need to be issued in my direction. But the chair swiveling Home affairs gods must have been in a good mood because I left with a passport on Thursday…now for the good times.

I travelled to Joburg with the President on Friday, we left at 15:00, such daredevils! It was our first road trip so we had to make it memorable. If you ask anyone who knows me well I really try not to disappoint people I love, so the President was in good hands. About 30 minutes after we crossed the border my endearing car sickness reared its sexy head; tell me, who can resist a girl who throws up in their car? Well I didn’t throw up in the car but it was close, he pulled over right on time and I got really sick on the side of the road! Mortified doesn’t quite begin to describe or insinuate how horribly embarrassed I was, I couldn’t turn around and look at him, I was just thinking “great now I’ll always be, Nono the one who almost threw up in the car”. But true awesomeness cannot be stifled so I got up cleaned up walked to the front seat but now the President was blocking my path (I almost tackled him) and this is when I found out that I was banished to the backseat because I had become a safety (and swagger) risk in front.

I curled up in the backseat, resigned to my fate, and I eventually fell asleep. The President pulled into an Ultra city and I woke up then and went to buy drinks and got high on fresh air. When we got back to the car I used my feminine wiles to get myself back in the front seat. Then I felt the nausea come back again. Cue backseat.

We finally got to Joburg around 19:30. This is where I should point out that the President is amazing at a lot of things but not so much at being patient. We drove around and around, we kept missing turns and kept getting terribly lost, take my word for it touring Joburg at night with a grumpy driver is not ideal. Coco gave useless directions, bless her heart, but she did wait for me till 21:30 that evening. When we eventually got to Coco, the President and I said our goodnights and only then did I realize that between getting lost and being grumpy I hadn’t even fed the poor man. Fail.

By the time we got to Soweto it was about 22:30. I was tired I really just needed to talk to the President and sleep, but my friends hadn’t seen me in 11 months they had other ideas. My not-so-subtle yawns went by completely unnoticed, we waited for Sizo who had a work function to attend, and “Cinderella” only saunters in at 02:00 both glass slippers still on her feet (and she had the pumpkin in her purse)! We spoke, tried on clothes, took pictures, ate, laughed till we cried and cried till we laughed. It was therapy. Sizo followed Coco and I to the bedroom at 02:30 and we chatted until 04:00 it was like back at res when we’d lock the door and pretend we’re not in. PK the other musketeer was passed out on the couch. Smh. More about her next time!

This post is already too long, and I have to get back to being amazing…part 2 tomorrow.

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